Bradford Company Career Openings
Bradford Company has manufactured packaging products and material handling systems since 1924. Our Company provides expertise and high-quality solutions to some of the largest companies in the world. Bradford protects parts and assemblies that go into every car and truck assembly plant in North America and a wide variety of recreational and consumer products.
Bradford Company is seeking to hire talented and highly motivated individuals to join our team.
Job scams are out there — Be careful!
An important reminder to jobseekers: be sure you can trust job offers before providing personal information in response. Even legitimate job posting environments like LinkedIn can misdirect to fraudulent web sites or engagements, and attempt to acquire personal information for nefarious purposes.
Bradford Company does not “cold-solicit.” That means we do not provide job offers, incentives, or enticements directly to unknown individuals.
To verify the authenticity of a Bradford open position, always refer to the job openings listed at the link above or call us directly at +1.616.399.3000.
Bradford’s Benefits
- Competitive Pay
- Quarterly Bonuses
- Medical, dental, vision insurance
- Life and AD&D insurance
- Short and long term disability
- 401k Match
- Vacation and Major Holiday paid time off
- Advancement Opportunities
- Climate controlled clean facility
- Family Owned
Our Locations
- Corporate Headquarters, Holland, MI
- Brighton, MI
- Gallatin, TN
- London, Ontario
- Monterrey, México
- Querétaro, México