One material. Infinite possibilities.
Produced at all Bradford locations, our plastic partitions lineup delivers highly customized and efficient solutions for partition packaging. Bradford continues to invest in new plastic partition manufacturing equipment and technology to make sure your partition solution matches exactly with your requirements. Color, weight, texture, thickness, and cell configuration — all are part of Bradford’s custom design and production capability.
Of course, the best production technology doesn’t work unless it works for you, so talk to us to get your free custom-configured quote on the perfect plastic partition for your part.
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Why Choose Bradford Plastic Corrugated Partitions?

Bradford uses the industry’s largest range of partition making equipment to deliver unmatched plastic partition solutions with short lead times and a broad range of materials, colors, and custom configurations.
There are a number of variables that affect the quality and convenience of the overall solution. Choosing the right material to suit your requirements is the first step in protecting the part. Bradford’s partition experts are ready to guide you through the planning process and craft the most economical and efficient plastic partition solution.